
How Will Commercial Building Architecture Evolve in the Future?

Architecture has a witness of separate times evolving out with separate distinguishing features and looks. A new decade has just started and it has left all of us wondering about what specific styles of build-up will the following years show us. Here we have tried listing down a bevy of ideas that might come to light in the coming years.

Going Back to Old

Vintage is a style that is getting revamped in the fashion industry and the same is in talks within the architects. The old structures are rapidly upcycled and in no time will be seen in the practical application too. The years of recession is showing how the older buildings are left maiden and unoccupied or even unfinished in cases. Architects are finding ways to repurpose and reuse these architectures to create something different that was previously intended to.

Art Deco’s Comeback

The last two decades have been ruled by slick glass facades and similar tastes but what is returning are the straight lines combined with multilayers of accoutrements from the art deco styles. Irrespective of an investor investing in a 1920’s building or investing to build a new one, demands are floating back to the age-old features of construction development. The main highlights of this style include geometric patterns, detailed ornamentation, and brass fixtures for absolutely any type of construction.

Green Designs

Rising energy costs are a big motivation for individuals to shift towards adopting sustainability designs and that is not unknown to architects. Investors are demanding these designs and architects are trying to bring their best set of ideas into commercial architecture. The usage of recycled materials, water-saving systems, and natural light utilization avenues help the buildings go green and save up energy costs. These designs also include the usage of a lot of greenery into the architectural designs, both inside out. It is said that this greenery is known to bring in visual excitement among the inhabitants of the structure.

Colour & Patterns

Colours like grey, chrome, or black were the architectural colours of yesteryear. Today, trends are replacing those with bold and vibrant colours like magenta, periwinkle, neo-mint, millennial pink, gen-z, and others. They will continue to permeate throughout the commercial spaces in the next few years.

The team of architecte Stendel Reich is known to utilize every state-of-the-art modern technology to apply the features that will be sustainable as well as trendy in the future.