
6 Most Popular Destinations in Labuan Bajo

Labuan Bajo is well endowed with exceptional natural beauty. There are six preferred tourist attractions from Labuan Bajo that vacationers could choose. Labuan Bajo can be situated directly in the western tip of Flores Island that retains varied hidden tourist attractions which have recently been uncovered by travelers and also developed by the local authorities. Here we talk about popular and favorite tourist attractions in Labuan Bajo that you have to visit.

  • Waerebo

How does it feel if you visit a tourist spot that seems to be above the clouds? This can be obtained if you come to Labuan Bajo, especially tourist attractions with the name Wae Rebo. This tourist spot is a very unique and exotic village. Where is the location in the middle of the mountains and people who still use traditional houses and carry out their daily activities very traditionally.

  • Rangko Cave

Wonder how it feels to go to a tourist place that seems to be over the clouds? This may be obtained directly if you visit Labuan Bajo, particularly tourist attractions together with the name Wae Rebo. This tourist spot is a very unique and tropical village. Where is the place in the center of the hills and individuals who use traditional homes and execute their everyday tasks very traditionally.

  • Padar Island

Padar Island is among the islands that are quite popular or famous, following Komodo Island. Where on this island, you can’t find critters like Komodo dragons to accomplish this island. There is a need for seasoned guides and distinctive boat carriers that know the area or sea water in the area. Padar Island itself is overgrown with a great deal of grass and large trees from the top of Padar Island, you may observe the attractiveness of the ocean around Padar Island and the islands. Another small island. If you would like to see Padar Island, it is highly encouraged to use mountain sneakers. Because to reach the top of Padar Island, the road is very steep and it will hurt if you use sandals independently.

  • Kanawa Island

Besides Komodo Island, a different island you can see with very clear water, even like an aquarium called Kanawa Island. This island is located in East Nusa Tenggara with approximately 35 hectares and has quite a lovely and enchanting natural beauty, especially on the coast and beneath the sea.

You do not need to dive or swim to the ground and you can see quite clear sea water with turquoise and white sand that’s still quite clean. This leaves many tourists having to obey the regulations provided by the government by maintaining cleanliness and likewise not littering. Even its attractiveness could be found above sea level, including small fish, coral reefs, and even turtles. If you would like to spend the night on Kanawa Island, there are already 13 guest homes available with lease prices of about IDR 300,000 each night with accessibility by speed boat from Labuan Bajo.

  • Cunca Wulang Waterfall

It’s far to Labuan Bajo, let us all visit Cunca Wulang Waterfall. Where this waterfall is found in the Mbeliling Forest area with an elevation of 2,000 masl, this waterfall appears at first glances, such as Green Canyon because it has the exact same air and water color, but with a thinner version on the opposing side of the assorted rocks flanking across its side.

You’re also permitted to climb the component that doesn’t have sharp sides. Also, it is very safe. Many tourists attempt to climb the rock, then jump out of a height to the Cunca Wulang Waterfall. But you have to first talk to the manual because the water stream will decrease if you put in the dry time, and naturally this will be harmful to do. Another thing to note is you need to bring food and drinks as this waterfall does not have a food booth that may provide your various demands.

  • Rinca Island

The very first place you’ll be able to visit is named Rinca Island. One of the island groups located from the Komodo Islands is popular due to its natural beauty closer to Labuan Bajo. This island has the highest stage, specifically a hill with an elevation of 670 meters above sea level, therefore if visiting here, you will have the ability to see approximately Flores quite delightfully by height.

Aside from Komodo dragons, different creatures live on this island like birds, buffalo, and wild reptiles. Therefore for you tourists who want to come to Rinca Island, the two who see in the morning. But it’ll be vulnerable when it’s late afternoon and even at night. About Rinca Island, visitors will participate in environmental conservation by planting mangroves and other natural attractions.

Ready to start your getaway to Labuan Bajo? Visit Wonderful Indonesia, and don’t miss out on the magic!