Hackers come up with scarier and scarier ways to exploit system vulnerabilities. Out of that refined lot, there are a few top skilled hackers from the dark side of the web. They use extremely advanced means to hack your passwords. The ones that are giving cybersecurity experts a chill are as follows.
- Instead of regular phishing, hackers are using the spear phishing techniques to spread malware in the targeted system. The kind of email that’s sent is actually addressed to a specific person or an organization. The worst thing about this type of attack is that the email is laced with so many accurate personal details about the victims that they have no doubt about the credibility of the source. When the target opens the link or file attached to the email, the malware spreads in the system in no time.
- Next is the more serious and one of the most advanced ways of password stealing through backdoor exploits. Under this technique, the hackers use the sounds generated by the keys while you type the passwords. Say, for instance, if there’s a smartphone near the keyboard, it can be hacked into to intercept the sound of the keys. The accuracy of guessing your password in such a way increases by 41%.
Nevertheless, these new ways to hack your systems are certainly scary, but cyber experts do have suggestions and techniques that can increase your web security to save you from such dangers. Have a look at those techniques.
- Do not click on any link that comes from a source you’re not directly connected with no matter how legit it looks.
- Use network segmentation and firewall techniques to boost the security of your networks.
- Use credible password manager software and tools to store all the passwords so you don’t have to type them.
- Mute the keys so that there’s no sound generated while you type.
Some other more basic yet underrated ways to save yourself from hackers are given below. Do follow these tips to increase your resilience against hackers.
- Make it a habit to install the new version of the software tools whenever the software developers release an update.
- Refrain from using tools that aren’t regularly monitored by the software developing company.
- Do not use a public Wi-Fi network.
- Whenever using the company laptop from a remote location, make sure that you use the VPN.
These are the different ways in which you’ll be ready to bust different kinds of hacking attempts to safeguard the data on your IoT devices and other systems on the internet.